PilipinxPages: @TheWillowsWork in Magadaragat

Image description: A quote from Kaia Arrow's piece in Magadaragat created by @PilipinxPages, "They "play along" with our personhood until it's too much work, too tiring, too challenging. They "tolerate" and "allow", these so-called allies of anti-racism and anti-colonialism." In bold, "They tell me (token Brown woman, token crip, token queer) about their token learnings, as if they're gifts I should be grateful to receive." In regular text, "…The destruction continues every time whiteness is positioned as normal, as unquestionable, as standard' when whiteness receives the benefit of the doubt, while the rest of us are subject to scrutiny."
Image description: A quote from Kaia Arrow’s piece in Magadaragat created by @PilipinxPages, “They “play along” with our personhood until it’s too much work, too tiring, too challenging. They “tolerate” and “allow”, these so-called allies of anti-racism and anti-colonialism.” In bold, “They tell me (token Brown woman, token crip, token queer) about their token learnings, as if they’re gifts I should be grateful to receive.” In regular text, “…The destruction continues every time whiteness is positioned as normal, as unquestionable, as standard’ when whiteness receives the benefit of the doubt, while the rest of us are subject to scrutiny.”

Thank you to @PilipinxPages for these beautiful words on my piece in Magdaragat! Our Toronto book launch is NEXT WEEK! Come join us at Ben McNally Books at 6:30pm on Wednesday, March 20th and get your copy signed by 17 contributors including yours truly. Register at the link in my bio!

I’ve been dealing with so much white fragility this year, that this whole piece by Kaia spoke what’s been inside my heart and what has been impossible to explain to people who don’t have a clue what their blindness feels like.

The last lines of this piece had me floored. I wanted to post those words too but then again, you need to read it in full.

In all its imperfections, I’ve been still reading @magdaragat_anthology . This piece comes from the anthology if you’d like to read it in full!

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